From Cavemen to hump day to a gecko, the GEICO brand is very well known everywhere in the United States. But, Shovel wasn’t hired to help sell insurance policies, we were hired to get GEICO more qualified job applicants.
GEICO Careers
Our employer brand strategy focused exclusively on the best GEICO brand ambassadors, the GEICO associates.
Careers unexpected
The slogan “Careers Unexpected” represents almost every current GEICO employee. Most never expected to work in the insurance industry and nobody expected to make a career out of it. We let numerous GEICO associates tell their GEICO story, in their own words, without scripts. We wanted passive job seekers—candidates that were already working somewhere else, unaware of great promote from within opportunities at GEICO. The best way to connect with our target market was for the ideal candidate to hear from a potential future peer at GEICO.

Tried and true strategy
Over the years, the people, the stories, and the mediums used changed but the strategy stayed the same. The end result was the hiring of thousands of employees in the markets we were tasked to help the hiring efforts — Buffalo, Boston, Indianapolis, and Kansas City.